Friday Mar 31, 2023

Empowerment, Imposter Syndrome and Soul Care with Rose-Stella Pierre-Louis

Charge it to my head and not my heart, y'all. Today's episode is a little late due but we are back and we are back with another great episode! This week, I welcome my spirit twin, Rose-Stella Pierre-Louis to the show so we can talk about how we met, empowerment, imposter syndrome (do you have it?) and joy and we had a joyful time.

Rose-Stella Pierre-Louis is a Haitian-American mother, occupational therapist, speaker, author, and transformation coach for first-generation women entrepreneurs of Caribbean and African descent. She is the founder of Stellar Transformation, LLC. Her exclusive signature coaching program, Six Figure Soft
Life - Stellar Transformation®️ Entrepreneur Experience offers a unique neuro-biology approach that supports purpose-driven business owners in implementing soul-care routines into their busy schedules and overcoming imposter syndrome, so they can have a lifestyle built around joy, ease and balance. Women who’ve experienced the Stellar Transformation®️ process unlearn inherited cultural beliefs and habits that keep them stuck in generational patterns of survival, to transform into the most fulfilled, authentic version of themselves and the most self expressed descendant in their lineage! Rose-Stella is a keynote and speaker on soul care for Black women, regulating the nervous system from racism induced stress, and entrepreneurship as a path to generational healing. She is passionate about helping women in prioritizing their wellbeing after meeting their cultural and family obligations.

Rose-Stella is reading "Rest is Resistance" by Tricia Hershey and she is listening to "What's Your Verse" (on repeat) by Toni Jones. 

I am reading "My Wellbeing Workbook" by my lovely guest, Rose-Stella Pierre-Louis and "Get Me Bodied" (the extended version) is my empowerment song along with Hit Em Up. (Jordan shoulder shrug) 

You can access Rose-Stella's wonderful work and social media at her website, 

Follow Cocoa Butter and Communion on IG @cocoabutterandcommunion 

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